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Terrazzo flooring, known for its durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal, has evolved from ancient Egyptian palaces and Italian aristocracy halls to modern homes with Senso’s innovative Biopolymer. This range, integrating Italian terrazzo charm with cutting-edge sustainability, uses biopolymers, making it an eco-friendly choice for modern Terrazzo surfaces.

Imagine flooring that marries the grandeur of traditional Italian terrazzo with the environmental consciousness of the 21st century. The seamless epoxy terrazzo installation achieves this blend – offering a magnificent, durable solution that respects the planet. This collection showcases different types of terrazzo flooring, including granite terrazzo and colorful terrazzo, each handcrafted to suit your unique home design.

Terrazzo SENSO


Traditional terrazzo, an Italian art form, mixes marble, quartz, granite, or glass chips with a cement or epoxy resin binder. After polishing, it transforms into a luxurious, mosaic-like finish. The Terrazzo by Senso Collection elevates this concept, combining real marble from Sienna, Carrara, Verona and local quarries within the USA with Senso’s proprietary biopolymer, resulting in sustainable, biobased terrazzo. Our epoxy-like poured in place terrazzo approach ensures durability and a high-end finish, making every floor a bespoke masterpiece.


Terrazzo floors, known for their practicality and style, are an excellent investment for modern living. Waterproof and easy to clean, the Terrazzo by Senso, including options like custom terrazzo and large aggregate terrazzo or palladiana, are ideal for high-traffic areas like lobby’s, offices, and retail. Their resistance to stains, like wine or coffee, allows for a worry-free lifestyle around your exquisite floor.


Opting for terrazzo flooring means embracing a piece of history, refined for your contemporary space through sustainable practices and waste reduction. Benefits include:

Durability: Reflecting the ethos of “build once, last forever”, terrazzo, especially epoxy resin terrazzo and thin set terrazzo, withstands time.
Customizable: Tailor every aspect, from the aggregate type (like natural stone terrazzo or venetian terrazzo) to the binder tone.
Sustainability: Senso’s terrazzo, including eco terrazzo and key resin terrazzo options, advocates for a greener future.
Easy Maintenance: Simple cleaning routines keep your floor pristine.
Waterproof and Stain-resistant: Ideal for spill-prone areas.
Artisan Craftsmanship: Each floor and terrazzo marble is unique.


Incorporating terrazzo into your home is a journey of legacy, design, and eco-consciousness. While it may be a premium investment, it promises unparalleled quality and uniqueness. Whether you’re considering colourful terrazzo, venetian terrazzo flooring, or exploring terrazzo floor installation near you, each choice leads to a statement of heritage and craftsmanship.

Ready to design a sustainable, stunning living space? Schedule a consultation with Senso’s experts today, and explore options like corian quartz alabaster terrazzo, palladiana terrazzo, and more in our range. Discover how Italian craftsmanship meet in modern flooring solutions like biobased terrazzo flooring cost-effective options and terrazzo floor installers near you.

Maintenance of Terrazzo Flooring

Keep Your Terrazzo Floors Shining with Simple Maintenance

Terrazzo flooring is renowned for its durability and timeless beauty. To maintain its luster, regular cleaning and sealing are essential. Sweep or vacuum daily to remove dust and debris. Use a neutral pH cleaner with warm water for weekly mopping. Avoid acidic or alkaline cleaners as they can damage the surface. Periodically, professional polishing and resealing can restore the terrazzo’s original shine, ensuring it remains a stunning centerpiece in your home for years to come.

Terrazzo Floors for Homes

Transform Your Living Space with Elegant Terrazzo Floors

Terrazzo floors are an excellent choice for any home, offering a blend of durability and aesthetic appeal. Whether you’re renovating or building a new home, terrazzo by Senso can be customized to match any decor style. Its seamless finish and array of color options make it perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, and living areas. Not only is terrazzo visually appealing, but it’s also hypoallergenic and easy to clean, making it ideal for families with pets and children.

Terrazzo Floors and Sustainability

Choose Terrazzo for an Eco-Friendly Flooring Solution

Sustainability is at the forefront of modern building materials, and terrazzo flooring from Senso stands out as an eco-friendly option. Made from a combination of natural aggregates like marble, quartz, and recycled glass, terrazzo minimizes waste and supports recycling efforts. Its long lifespan reduces the need for frequent replacements, lowering environmental impact. Additionally, Senso terrazzo floors can contribute to LEED certification, making them an excellent choice for green building projects.

Modern Ways of Integrating Terrazzo Floor Design into Your Contemporary Home

Innovative Terrazzo Designs for the Modern Home

Incorporating terrazzo flooring into your contemporary home design can elevate your space with a touch of sophistication. Modern techniques allow for intricate patterns and a wide range of color palettes to suit any interior theme. Consider terrazzo for accent walls, countertops, or even custom furniture pieces. Its versatility extends beyond flooring, enabling creative expressions in modern architecture and interior design. Whether you prefer subtle elegance or bold statements, Senso’s terrazzofloors offers endless possibilities for personalization.

By choosing terrazzo flooring, you’re investing in a beautiful, sustainable, and versatile option that will enhance your home’s value and aesthetic appeal. Discover the perfect terrazzo solution for your needs today!

The History and Evolution of Terrazzo Flooring

Terrazzo flooring has a rich history dating back to the 15th century in Venice, where it was created by Venetian workers using marble scraps. Over the centuries, advancements in technology have refined terrazzo methods, making it a versatile and durable flooring option. This chapter can delve into the historical context, notable architectural landmarks featuring terrazzo, and its evolution into modern epoxy-based systems.

Types of Terrazzo Systems

There are various terrazzo systems available, including epoxy and cementitious terrazzo. Epoxy terrazzo is popular for its durability, design flexibility, and suitability for high-traffic areas, while cementitious terrazzo offers a classic look with thicker, more robust applications. This chapter can explain the differences, advantages, and ideal applications for each system.

Cost of Terrazzo Flooring

Understanding the cost factors of terrazzo flooring is crucial for potential customers. This chapter can break down the cost per square foot, factors influencing pricing (such as materials and installation complexity), and a comparison with other flooring options. Highlighting the long-term cost benefits and low maintenance requirements can be persuasive for buyers.

Commercial Applications of Terrazzo

Terrazzo is widely used in commercial settings such as airports, hospitals, universities, and office buildings due to its durability and aesthetic appeal. This chapter can showcase case studies and examples of commercial projects, emphasizing how terrazzo meets the demands of high-traffic environments and contributes to building aesthetics.

Customization Options with Terrazzo

One of the unique advantages of terrazzo flooring is its high level of customization. This chapter can explore the various design possibilities, including custom colors, patterns, logos, and artistic designs. Discussing the use of different aggregates such as marble, glass, and shells can inspire potential customers with creative options.

Installation Process of Terrazzo Flooring

An overview of the installation process, from surface preparation to pouring, grinding, and sealing, can provide valuable insights for customers. This chapter can detail the steps involved, the importance of professional installation, and tips for ensuring a smooth and successful project.

Pros and Cons of Terrazzo Flooring

Providing a balanced view of the advantages and potential drawbacks of terrazzo flooring can help customers make informed decisions. Highlight its durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal while addressing considerations such as initial installation costs and the need for professional maintenance.

Q1: What is terrazzo flooring?

A1: Terrazzo flooring is a composite material made from a mixture of marble, quartz, granite, or glass chips embedded in a cementitious or epoxy binder. The surface is polished to a smooth finish, creating a durable and aesthetically pleasing floor. Terrazzo has a rich history dating back to 15th-century Italy and is known for its versatility and customizability.

Q2: What are the types of terrazzo systems?

A2: There are primarily three types of terrazzo systems: epoxy terrazzo, cementitious terrazzo and biobased Terrazzo. Epoxy terrazzo is a system developed in the 80’s, offering greater design flexibility, higher compressive strength, and a thinner profile compared to cementitious terrazzo. Cementitious terrazzo, on the other hand, provides a classic look and is more robust, making it suitable for outdoor applications. Biobased Terrazzo is the latest innovation within the Terrazzo flooring world and offers a more sustainable alternative with superior uv-resistancy and higher crack bridging properties over both epoxy and cementitious Terrazzo.

Q3: How is terrazzo flooring installed?

A3: The installation process of terrazzo flooring involves several steps:

  1. Surface Preparation: The concrete substrate is prepared to ensure proper adhesion.
  2. Divider Strips: Divider strips are installed to create patterns and manage expansion joints.
  3. Mixing and Pouring: The terrazzo mix is prepared and poured onto the substrate.
  4. Curing: The terrazzo is allowed to cure, ensuring it sets properly.
  5. Grinding and Polishing: The surface is ground and polished to achieve a smooth finish.
  6. Sealing: A sealer is applied to protect the surface and enhance its appearance.

Q4: What are the benefits of terrazzo flooring?

A4: Terrazzo flooring offers numerous benefits:

  • Durability: Terrazzo floors can last for decades with minimal maintenance.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Customizable with various colors and patterns.
  • Low Maintenance: Easy to clean and resistant to stains and chemicals.
  • Eco-Friendly: Often made with recycled materials and contributes to LEED certification.
  • Hypoallergenic: Does not harbor mold, mildew, or bacteria, making it a healthy choice for indoor environments.

Q5: How do I maintain terrazzo flooring?

A5: Maintenance of terrazzo flooring is straightforward:

  • Daily Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum to remove dust and debris.
  • Weekly Cleaning: Mop with a neutral pH cleaner and warm water.
  • Polishing: Periodic professional polishing can restore the floor’s shine.
  • Sealing: Reapply a sealer as needed to protect the surface.

Q6: Where can terrazzo flooring be used?

A6: Terrazzo flooring is highly versatile and can be used in various settings:

  • Residential: Kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, and hallways.
  • Commercial: Airports, hospitals, schools, office buildings, and shopping malls.
  • Outdoor: Patios, walkways, and pool decks (primarily with cementitious terrazzo).

Q7: Is terrazzo flooring sustainable?

A7: Yes, terrazzo flooring is considered sustainable. It often incorporates recycled materials like glass and marble chips. The long lifespan of terrazzo reduces the need for frequent replacements, minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, biobased terrazzo systems from Senso are VOC-free, contributing to healthier indoor air quality and LEED certification for green building projects.

Q8: How much does terrazzo flooring cost?

A8: The cost of terrazzo flooring varies based on several factors, including the type of terrazzo, the complexity of the design, and the size of the installation area. On average, terrazzo flooring can range from $30 to $70 per square foot. While the initial cost is higher than some other flooring options, its durability and low maintenance requirements make it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Q9: Can terrazzo be repaired if damaged?

A9: Yes, terrazzo can be repaired if it gets damaged. Small chips and cracks can be filled with a matching epoxy or cement mix. For more extensive damage, professional restoration services can grind and refinish the surface to restore its original appearance.

Q10: What customization options are available with terrazzo?

A10: Terrazzo offers a high degree of customization. You can choose from a wide range of aggregate materials, colors, and patterns. Divider strips can create intricate designs, logos, and geometric patterns. Whether you prefer subtle elegance or bold statements, terrazzo can be tailored to match your aesthetic vision.